Our values
We are aware that in forming a team, it is necessary to start with oneself, with the Law Firm itself and its employees. It is a principle of personification of culture that can also be used in communication with clients and in private life. We try to ensure good mutual relationships by following the rules below:
EMPLOYEE AWARENESS. Zaposleni so seznanjeni z aktualnim dogajanjem v odvetniški pisarni, kar omogoča boljše sodelovanje in prispevanje k nadaljnjemu razvoju pisarne.
OPEN DOOR POLICY. Every employee is available to their co-workers for advice, even in personal matters. All comments, remarks and suggestions from employees are welcome. We emphasize that we are ready to actively listen and participate in the team.
PROMOTING COMMUNICATION WITHIN THE LAW FIRM. Communication between employees is welcome and encouraged. The principle "two minds are better than one" applies. Certain social/corporate events of the Law Firm, team building and other leisure and informal activities are also devoted to this.
THERE IS NO WRONG OPINION. Every employee has the right to their opinion and it is perfectly normal that we do not agree on everything. Employees are encouraged to express their opinions, which often helps make better decisions and provides a different view of the matter that the individual is dealing with.
MUTUAL RESPECT and RESPECT FOR COLLEAGUES. Law Firm employees respect each other. Intolerance or disrespect is not acceptable. We are all people, attorneys, partners, part of the team and we respect each other as such. We are equally respectful of our colleagues in the legal profession.